Understanding Connections

Understanding Connections

Your connections on Connector consist of fellow users whom you've accepted as professional contacts or those who've extended invitations for professional connection.

What sets Connector apart from other networking platforms is our unique ability to tailor connectivity to your preferences, person by person.

Whether you prefer to communicate solely within the Connector app or opt for a mix of platforms, Connector empowers you to stay connected in the manner most comfortable to you:

  1. Do you just want to be able to chat on the Connector app?  Not a problem.
  2. Do you want to connect on LinkedIn, but also communicate by text and WhatsApp?  You can do that.
  3. Do you want to meet up at the airport lounge for a drink and exchange email addresses?  Sure can.
  4. Do you want to talk on the phone and exchange emails?  Absolutely.
The strength of Connector lies not only in its exclusive Value Score but also in its commitment to providing our community with the flexibility to stay connected in ways that suit individual preferences.

For more information on how to access your existing connections and stay in touch in these different ways, please visit Staying in contact with your Connections

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