Connector offers a diverse array of notification features designed to elevate your networking experience. These notifications encompass:
Proximity Alerts: Receive notifications about potential connections nearby upon arrival at locations such as convention centers, airports, university campuses, sports venues, and more.
Inbound Connection Requests: Stay informed when someone reaches out with a connection request.
Connection Request Acceptance: Get notified when your connection requests are accepted.
Chat Message Alerts: Stay updated on new chat messages to engage in timely conversations.
By default, location-based notifications are not activated. However, we highly recommend enabling them during your initial profile setup for enhanced networking opportunities. You can find these settings in the Connection Location section of your profile.
Furthermore, you can access your notification history through the Notifications menu. Recent notifications display those you've received, while History notifications encompass those you've received and taken action on (such as accepting requests or reading chats).
Easily manage your notification preferences in the app's Preferences section. To temporarily silence notifications, simply disable the "Enable Push Notifications" option.